IIT4Innovations is very active in cooperation with the industry. IT4Innovations is registered by the European Commission as a Centre for Digital Innovation for its activities to support the introduction of computationally intensive numerical simulations, advanced data analysis and artificial intelligence, especially in small and medium-sized enterprises. These activities are supported by several international Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects. 

In 2022, the European Digital Innovation Hub Ostrava (EDIH Ostrava) was created by combining the activities of the IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, which are part of the VSB – Technical University Ostrava, and the Moravian-Silesian Innovation Centre Ostrava. Its mission is to support the introduction and use of advanced digital technologies in companies and society. 

IT4Innovations also serves as the National Centre of Competence for HPC (NCC) in Czechia, which aims to provide a wide range of services for high-performance computing and data analytics – from access to supercomputers to technology consulting, to offering professional training. NCC`s services are aimed at industrial partners as well as public administration and academia.

In the field of applied research, industrial partners can turn to us in the areas of augmented and virtual reality, rendering, scientific data visualisation, network security, IoT, materials research or modelling in nanotechnology. For more information, please see our Portfolio of services.

Examples of cooperation

Processing and storing data for the European Space Agency
Machine learning for drug discovery
Fan section optimization in asynchronous electric motors
Mobility Atlas

More examples of cooperation

contract research projects
joint research projects
national projects
mil. CZK
total volume of cooperation with industry

Cooperation possibilities

The most common forms of cooperation with the commercial sector are projects of contract and collaborative research as well as rental of computational resources.

We have participated in more than 100 projects of contract research and distributed more than 10 million core hours across 29 projects via rental of computational resources in the last 3 years. For more information, see Examples of Cooperation.

As far as our activities within collaborative research are concerned, we cooperate with industrial enterprises in more than 40 international (H2020 and Interreg programs) and national (Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Interior Ministry, and regional programs) projects. For more information, see Research projects.


Since December 2018, IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center has been an Information Security Management System certificate holder according to the international ISO/IEC 27001:2022 (Czech version: ČSN ISO/IEC 27001:2023) standard.

The ISO 27001 certificate has been awarded for the following areas:

  • Provision of national supercomputing infrastructure services,
  • High-performance computing problems solutions,
  • Performance of advanced data analysis and simulations,
  • Processing of large data sets.

As a part of VSB-TUO we are also certified with the ISO 9001.

More information HERE.