We help enterprises overcome obstacles to accessing and using supercomputers for their own innovation and development. We offer first-rate applied research and services focused on high-performance modelling and simulations, advanced data analysis, and application of artificial intelligence algorithms in various industrial sectors.
Advanced regenerator simulations have contributed to reduced costs and emissions in glass production
Partner: GLASS SERVICE a.s.
Field: research, Výzkum, glass-making industry
Numerical modelling enables faster train weighing without an expensive infrastructure
Partner: Drážní revize s.r.o.
Field: railway industry
Supercomputers verify the bold vision of storing energy in rings rotating on the ocean surface
Partner: niore Energy, s.r.o.
Field: Power Engineering
Computationally intensive next-generation sequencing problems
Partner: Fakultní nemocnice Ostrava
Field: Healthcare
Science empowers industry: Data as the key to efficient and sustainable natural pulp production
Partner: Lenzing Biocel Paskov
Field: Manufacturing
Production planning for better profitability and competitiveness
Partner: NC Line a.s.
Field: Metalworking
Using supercomputers to create 3D tissue models for visualisation
Partner: Misterine s.r.o.
Field: Healthcare Industry
Realistic architectural visualisations using supercomputers
Partner: INFER WAY s.r.o.
Field: Architecture, civil engineering
Estimation of product defects using supercomputers
Partner: ING Corporation, spol. s r.o.
Field: Biotechnology, Health care
System for intelligent identification of air pollution sources
Partner: ENVItech Bohemia s.r.o.
Field: Environment
Easy and secure access to supercomputers for scientists through HEAppE
Partner: Institut Politecnico di Milano
Field: Remote computing, Healthcare
Numerical simulation of Butterfly Valve closing
Partner: ARMATURY Group
Field: Mechanical engineering
Use of bulk simulation in the development of a rail freight wagon
Partner: Advanced Engineering
Field: Railway industry
Tool to fight criminality more effectively
Partner: The Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic, The Police of the Czech Republic
Field: Security
Computational simulation for pollutant emission reduction in combustion plants
Partner: ORGREZ
Field: Energy
Launch of the Vaccination Centre
Partners: University Hospital Ostrava, Moravian-Silesian Region, Statutory City of Ostrava, Faculty of Medicine of the University of Ostrava
Field: Healthcare
Processing and storing data for the European Space Agency
Partner: European Space Agency
Field: Information technology, Earth sciences
Machine learning for drug discovery
Partner: Janssen Pharmaceuticals
Field: Information technology, Pharmaceutical industry
Fan section optimization in asynchronous electric motors
Partner: Siemens Electric Machines s.r.o., Frenštát
Field: Energy industry, Mechanical engineering
Cranial remoulding orthosis development
Partner: Invent Medical Group s.r.o.
Field: Medical equipment and technology
Pump efficiency optimization using open source solutions and HPC
Partner: SIGMA GROUP a.s.
Field: Mechanical engineering
Design of passenger train seats
Partner: BORCAD CZ s.r.o.
Field: Mechanical engineering, Transport industry
Rendering as an efficient tool for utilization of the computing power of supercomputers
Partner: Blender Institute
Field: Information technology
Study of the dynamical properties of squeeze film dampers
Partner: Doosan Škoda Power s.r.o. (DŠPW)
Field: Mechanical engineering, Energy industry
Development of numerical models in the metallurgical industry
Partner: ITA spol. s r.o.
Field: Mechanical engineering
“HPC as a service” for hydrological modeling
Partner: DHI
Field: Information technology, Water management, Environment
Precise evaluation of vertical movements using synthetic aperture radar satellites
Partner: Gisat s.r.o.
Field: Geology, Geodesy
Stock inventory control optimization based on sales forecasting
Partner: K2 atmitec s.r.o.
Field: Information technology, Logistics
What happens if ... Analyses for Smart cities in cooperation with Sygic, the GPS navigation provider
Partner: Sygic, a.s.
Field: Information technology, Smart City
Analysis of causes and prediction of problems in 4G and 5G networks
Partner: T-Mobile Czech Republic a.s.
Field: Telecommunications