IT4Innovations supports the scientific community as well as its users by organizing high-quality courses, workshops, and conferences aimed at supercomputing technologies, data analysis, artificial intelligence, computer simulations, and modeling for nanotechnologies. Traditional conferences co-organized by IT4Innovations include HPCSE, Modelling, CISIM, and NANO Ostrava.

For schools and other interested persons from both public and commercial sectors, we organize excursions right in our supercomputing center. By prior arrangement, excursions take place for a maximum of 25 participants from 9 am to 3 pm. Excursions are free of charge. In case of interest in an excursion, please contact us on


we are Currently preparing these professional events

Introduction to HPC

The Czech National Competence Center in HPC is inviting you to an Introduction to HPC course, which will be held online on June…