Tomáš Kozubek is a scientific director at IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center, and a professor of applied mathematics at VSB – Technical University of Ostrava. He specialises in the development of scalable algorithms for massively parallel solutions to engineering problems. He is the author or co-author of over 70 articles published in conference proceedings and journals. He is/was the Principal Investigator for the Czech Republic of the projects focused on high-performance computing: H2020-JTI-EuroHPC EUMaster4HPC, ERASMUS+ SCtrain, and H2020-MSCA-ITN-2016-721865-EXPERTISE. He is the guarantor of the doctoral study programme Computational Sciences and a member of scientific boards and programming committees of conferences.
Personal information
- Born 24 May 1975 in Karviná, Czech Republic
- Nationality: Czech
Academic degrees
- 1993–1998: VSB-TUO, MSc., Specialization in Informatics and applied mathematics, diploma thesis: Application of the fictitious domain method to solving PDEs and problems of shape optimization
- 1998–2002: VSB-TUO, PhD, Specialization in Informatics and applied mathematics, PhD thesis: Fast solvers based on fictitious domain methods for PDEs
- 2007: VSB-TUO, Assoc.Prof., Specialization in Informatics and applied mathematics, habilitation thesis: Application of fictitious domain methods and wavelets to solving PDEs
- 2013: VSB-TUO, Prof., Computer modelling of complex problems in mechanics
- 2001–2017: Lecturer and later professor at the Department of Applied Mathematics at VSB–TUO
- 2011–2017: Head of Parallel algorithms research lab at IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center
- 2014–2017: Deputy Scientific Director at IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center
- 2017 – present: professor and Scientific Director at IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center
Research stays
- 1999: University in Jyväskylä (3 months),
- 2001: KFU University of Graz (1 months)
- 2003–2006: Politecnico di Torino (total 12 months),
- 2005: IMT, Chateau Gombert, Marseille (3 months),
- 2017: University of Edinburg and Imperial College London (2 weeks)
Recent major projects
- 2022–2025: Principal Investigator for the Czech Republic of the project projektu H2020-JTI-EuroHPC EUMaster4HPC, EUR 7 mil.
- 2020–2023 Principal Investigator for the Czech Republic of the project EC ERASMUS+ SCTrain, EUR 0.5 mil.
- 2017–2021 Principal Investigator for the Czech Republic of the project H2020-MSCA-ITN-2016-721865-EXPERTISE (models, EXperiments and high PERformance computing for Turbine mechanical Integrity and Structural dynamics in Europe), EUR 3.8 mil.
- 2018–2020: Principal Investigator of the project IT4Innovations excellence in science - LQ1602 (NPS II), project partners are BUT, OU, SLU, and IGN ASCR, CZK 701 mil.
- 2017–2022: Coordinator of the activity to establish the Doctoral school focused on mathematics in HPC within the OP RDE project with partners Charles University and Mathematical Institute of Academy of Science ČR, CZK 13 mil.
- 2013–2016: Principal Investigator for the Czech Republic of the project FP7 EXA2CT (FP7-ICT-610741, Exascale Algorithms and Advanced Computational Techniques), EUR 4.6 mil.
- 2011–2014: Principal Investigator of the project Spomech – Creating a multidisciplinary R&D team for reliable solution of mechanical problems, reg. no. CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0070, OP RC MEYS, CZK 30 mil.
- 2010–2014: Local coordinator of the research teams within the projects FP7 PRACE 1IP, PRACE 2IP, CZK approx. 30 mil. for IT4Innovations
- 2011–2015: Deputy scientific director and head of research programme Supercomputing for industry and HPC libraries, IT4Innovations Center of Excellence project, EUR 50mil.
Cooperation with Industry (Contract Research)
- 2015–2017 Co-Coordinator of projects' activities from Intel: Intel Parallel Computing Center at IT4Innovations, USD 100,000 and Intel Education Materials on Rendering based on MICs, USD 15,000.
- FERAM Strojírna s.r.o. and Hydal Aluminium Profiler a.s.: 2017 – present co-PI for the Czech Republic of the project H2020-FOF-2017-768892 CLOUDIFACTURING (Cloudification of Production Engineering for Predictive Digital Manufacturing), EUR 9.7 mil., main goal is to establish and operate Digital Innovation Hub at IT4Innovations.
- ITA s.r.o., Modelling of Metal Forming Processes, CZK 400,000, 2016–2017, coordinator.
- Slévárna Pilana Hulín, Training of specific knowledge for CFD simulations, CZK 322,200, 2016, coordinator.
- IVITAS, a. s., Steam silencer CFD optimization, CZK 520,000, 2013, coordinator.
- Continental Automotive Czech Republic s.r.o., FEM simulation vibration test USLS BMW, CZK 102,000, 2015, coordinator.
Teaching and Supervision of Students
- Guarantor of the PhD subjects Parallel Programming and HPC libraries and tools at VSB-TUO.
- Guarantor of education activities at IT4Innovations
- Supervising four Bc., five MSc. and ten PhD students at VSB-TUO.
- Supervisor within doctoral study programs in Computational Science, Computational and Applied Mathematics, Informatics and Computational Science, and Civil Engineering.
Responsibilities, Commissions of Trust, and other main professional activities
- Member of allocation committees for HPC resources allocations within IT4Innovations Open Access.
- Member of evaluation committees of the National Accreditation Office of the Czech Republic.
- Member of the Scientific Council of IT4Innovations.
- Member of the Scientific Council of the VSB-TUO.
- Member of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Information Technology Brno University of Technology.
- Guarantor of the doctoral study programme Computational Science at VSB-TUO.
- Head of the Departmental Board of the doctoral study programme Computational Science and member of the Departmental Board of the doctoral study programmes Applied Mechanics and Computational and Applied Mathematics, and Informatics and Computational Science.
- Member of the programme committees of the biannual conference HPCSE (High-Performance Computing in Science and Engineering) and the conference PPAM (INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PARALLEL PROCESSING AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS).
- Organizer or co-organizer of international conferences and workshops: HPCSE, DD, SPOMECH workshops.
- Coordinator of the IT4Innovations educational and training activities.
Publication activities
- Author or co-author of more than 70 articles (with respect to WoS) published in conference proceedings and journals, from that, more than 35 articles with IF, more than 500 citations without self-citations, h-index: 15.
The eight most significant publications
- Haslinger, J., Kozubek, T., Kunisch, K., Peichl, G.: Shape optimization and fictitious domain approach for solving free boundary problems of Bernoulli type, Computational Optimization and Applications, Volume 26, Issue 3, December 2003, Pages 231-251.
- Canuto, C., Kozubek, T.: A fictitious domain approach to the numerical solution of PDEs in stochastic domains, Numerische Mathematik, Volume 107, Issue 2, August 2007, Pages 257-293.
- Haslinger, J., Kozubek, T., Kucera, R., Peichl, G.: Projected Schur complement method for solving non-symmetric systems arising from a smooth fictitious domain approach, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, Volume 14, Issue 9, November 2007, Pages 713-739.
- Dostal, Z., Kozubek, T., Vondrák, V., Brzobohatý, T., Markopoulos, A.: Scalable TFETI algorithm for the solution of multibody contact problems of elasticity, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Volume 82, Issue 11, 11 June 2010, Pages 1384-1405.
- Dostal, Z., Kozubek, T., Markopoulos, A, Mensik, M.: Cholesky decomposition of a positive semidefinite matrix with known kernel, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Volume 217, Issue 13, 1 March 2011, Pages 6067-6077.
- Brzobohaty, T., Dostal, Z., Kozubek, T., Kovar, P., Markopoulos, A.: Cholesky decomposition with fixing nodes to stable computation of a generalized inverse of the stiffness matrix of a floating structure, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Volume 88, Issue 5, 4 November 2011, Pages 493-509.
- Dostal, Z., Kozubek, T., Markopoulos, A., Brzobohaty, T., Vondrak, V., Horyl, P.: A theoretically supported scalable TFETI algorithm for the solution of multibody 3D contact problems with friction, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 205-208, Issue 1, 15 January 2012, Pages 110-120.
- Dostal, Z., Kozubek, T.: An optimal algorithm and superrelaxation for minimization of a quadratic function subject to separable convex constraints with applications, Mathematical Programming, Volume 135, Issue 1-2, October 2012, Pages 195-220.
More information about Prof. Tomáš Kozubek can be found at:
Phone: +420 596 999 650