IT4Innovations offers commercial companies the opportunity to rent the computational resources of the operated supercomputers. Companies interested in using this service may choose based on their preferences from the following modes.
Standard allocation arranged for a specific period with a pre-agreed quota
This is essentially a rental mode based on shared access to computational resources with other active users, with a total number of nodes and hours negotiated in advance. The resulting price is charged based on the actual use of the computing nodes.
Customized allocation
A rental mode offers the opportunity, for example, to use a pre-agreed number of compute nodes arranged for a certain period allowing instant access to computational resources as compared to the standard allocation.
The price is charged based on the agreed number of nodes throughout the entire rental period.
Important information
The customer's first step is to complete and submit a rental application form. This application includes:
- the rental method (allocation listed above);
- the number of node hours on the given IT4Innovations system (it is possible to choose multiple systems and "buy" storage capacity if necessary);
- the duration of the project and the time for which the actual calculations will be carried out;
- customer identification data, contact details, etc.
The completed and signed application is then sent to The information provided in this application will be used to prepare the contract for the rental of computing capacity, a model of which is available.
The contractual relationship is further governed by the General Terms and Conditions, which specifically define the billing units, the calculation of the storage capacities to which the customer will be entitled when renting computing capacities, as well as examples for a better understanding of billing capacities and billing.
Upon mutual agreement, the customer will receive the Computing Capacity Lease Agreement for signature.
The computing resources shall be made available to the customer within a maximum of 3 working days from the effective date of the respective contractual relationship.
In case of interest in extending the duration of the allocation and the project and increasing the number of computing resources, it is sufficient to fill out only this application form, which will be used to prepare an amendment to the existing contract.
Technically, the customer's access to the systems is provided remotely using access nodes. Allocation of computing resources, running and managing tasks are done through the SLURM workload manager. The customer can continuously monitor the number of used computing resources and is provided with standard user support.
Detailed instructions on how to access the cluster, including technical and other requirements, can be found here
An example of renting computational resources
Cooperation based on renting IT4Innovations computational resources was established, for example, with the Forest Management Institute, a state-owned enterprise. This institute has used the IT4Innovations HPC technology for complex calculations of the Czech forest cover and forest change monitoring via satellite using Earth observation data. For this purpose, freely available data from the EU funded Copernicus program, namely the Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellite data, have been used. IT4Innovations experts have also cooperated in the development of new algorithms to be used in the field of forestry.