november 10, 2021

Dear fans of supercomputing,
IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Centre celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. It will therefore be a great honour to meet you on this occasion.

Please accept our invitation and come to Ostrava on November 10, 2021.



11.00 am – 1.00 pm

The KAROLINA supercomputer is designed to comprehensively cover the requirements of users in solving complex scientific and industrial problems involving both classical numerical simulations and large-scale data analysis as well as artificial intelligence. The new supercomputer is procured within the framework of the pan-European EuroHPC Joint Undertaking and within the "IT4Innovations national supercomputing centre – path to exascale" project and will thus serve not only the Czech research community within the e-INFRA CZ large research infrastructure but also users from all over Europe.

10.30 am – 11 am         Arrival of guests
11 am – 12 am          Official part of the programme
12 am – 1 pm         Data room visit
1 pm         Refreshments


IT4Innovations Centre of Exellence was established 10 years ago and included the following partners: the Technical University of Ostrava, the University of Ostrava, the Silesian University in Opava, the Brno University of Technology and the Institute of Geonics of the Czech Academy of Sciences and gave birth to the IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center. The most important parts acquired within the project are the buildings of IT4Innovations and the Information Technology Research Centre in Brno, the Anselm and Salomon supercomputers, as well as the infrastructure necessary for the operation of the supercomputers – power supply and cooling.

2 pm – 2.45 pm            Summary of IT4I activities over the past 10 year

2.45 pm – 3.45 pm      Achievements and benefits from the perspective of individual IT4Innovations partners

3.45 pm – 4 pm            IT4Innovations vision and plans for the next period


5 pm – 10 pm            Banquet on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of IT4Innovations

We would be very pleased if you could find space in your programme for the opening ceremony and visit our centre, which we will be happy to introduce to you. We would also be very honoured if you decide to attend the afternoon and evening part of the programme.

In case of any questions, please contact Zuzana Červenková, 


Registration for the Ceremonial inauguration of the Karolina supercomputer

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