Achievements and awards in 2025
IT4Innovations launched the four-year project Increasing the resilience of power grids in the context of decarbonisation, decentralisation, and sustainable socioeconomic development (ZEUS), supported by the Operational programme Johannes Amos Comenius.
Michal Otyepka and Rostislav Langer from IT4Innovations co-authored a research paper that was also published on the cover of Small magazine.
IT4Innovations is part of the consortium led by Finnish CSC-IT which won the tender for the delivery and operation of the Federation Platform for the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking
Research by Michal Otyepka of IT4Innovations, scientists from CATRIN, Sanofi and French research institutions on modelling lipid nanocarriers has been featured on the cover art of Molecular Pharmaceutics.
Anum Shafiq from IT4Innovations received the award from California-based ScholarGPS. Her outstanding contributions to science and research have made her one of the top-ranked scientists in the world, ranking 23rd in the field of artificial neural networks.
Researchers from IT4Innovations have developed an innovative methodology for visualising large-scale data from computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations through volume rendering and advanced visualisation tools.
Anam Zahra from IT4Innovations was awarded Best Presenter at the PUT STEM Day 2025 conference.
Achievements and awards in 2024
- The results of the call for European AI Factories, which will support the wider deployment of AI tools in society and industry in Europe, have been announced in Luxembourg. One of the winning projects is the LUMI AI Factory, which builds on the successful LUMI consortium. This consortium operates Europe's most powerful supercomputer and, through IT4Innovations, includes the Czech Republic. IT4Innovations will participate in all activities of the LUMI AI Factory.
- Europe's Strategic Research Agenda 6 (SRA6) has been published, providing an overview of the current ecosystem of high-performance computing in Europe, including artificial intelligence and quantum computing. Ondřej Vysocký, Filip Staněk, Tomáš Kozubek, Marek Lampart, Martin Golasowski, Jakub Beránek and Tomáš Martinovič from IT4Innovations contributed to this publication and the associated White Papers.
- IT4Innovations is participating in the delivery of the Federation Platform for EuroHPC JU.
- More than ten companies and startups from a wide range of fields collaborated with us in 2024. Supercomputers have helped accelerate innovation and development in the healthcare, automotive, glass, manufacturing, energy, rail, and materials industries. Read more about specific projects and their benefits.
- IT4Innovations co-founded the Central European Chapter of the global international organisation Women in High Performance Computing.
- A unique interdisciplinary centre of excellence, CLARA, will be established in the Czech Republic to focus on the development of a new generation of applications using artificial intelligence, computational modelling and quantum computing. The aim is to push the boundaries of research into neurodegenerative diseases, particularly Alzheimer's. Vít Vondrák has been appointed Head of the Testbed.
IT4Innovations became part of the VI-HPS initiative to increase the productivity of supercomputing applications.
- The 8th Users Conference of IT4Innovations was attended by 79 users of IT4Innovations computing resources, a total of 22 talks were given and 33 scientific posters were presented. Participants were also introduced to the services of the High Level Support Team and the current status of the EuroHPC JU supercomputers.
- A contract has been signed between the European Joint Undertaking for High Performance Computing (EuroHPC JU) and IQM Quantum Computers for the procurement of a LUMI-Q consortium quantum computer to be housed at IT4Innovations. IQM won the tender to supply this unique technology.
- IT4Innovations welcomed Turing Award winner Jack Dongarra from the University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Laboratory, whose pioneering work has significantly influenced current supercomputing standards. Satoshi Matsuoka, Director of the RIKEN Center for Computational Science, which is behind the development of some of the world's most powerful supercomputers, also graced IT4Innovations with his presence.
- The LIGATE project demonstrated the ground-breaking LIGEN computations running in parallel on the LUMI, Karolina, Leonardo and E4 supercomputers. The computations are executed via the LEXIS Platform 2 portal using the HEAppE framework, and the computations themselves were implemented using the HyperQueue tool.
- Kristián Kadlubiak, Ondřej Meca, Lubomír Říha and Tomáš Brzobohatý from IT4Innovations have developed a new method for optimising the performance of finite element method (FEM) computations. Having been published in the Computer Physics Communications journal, their innovative adaptive solution, which adapts computations based on parameters specified at runtime, achieves up to eight times faster computations.
- Muhammad Bilal Riaz and Adil Jhangeer of IT4Innovations have been included in the prestigious list of the top 2% of the most influential scientists in the world.
- A new generation of supercomputing experts was trained at the EUMaster4HPC Summer School organised by IT4Innovations. Attended by more than 40 Masters students from across Europe, the summer school focused on data science education using supercomputing.
- Researchers from IT4Innovations, in collaboration with the International Clinical Research Centre and Masaryk University (MU), have launched AggreProt, a novel web server designed to predict protein aggregation.
- Jakub Homola from the IT4Innovations Infrastructure Research Lab attended the prestigious International HPC Summer School on Challenges in Computational Sciences (IHPCSS) in Kobe, Japan.
- The Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS) has published a joint research of scientists from CATRIN at Palacký University and researchers from CEET and IT4Innovations at VSB-TUO on the cover. Together they discovered a new way to influence the properties of fluorographene using UV light.
- Milan Jaroš from IT4Innovations, along with NVIDIA experts and researchers from the University of Cologne and the University of California, presented a new approach for data-parallel rendering of scientific visualisations.
- IT4Innovations has deployed the CUDA Quantum simulator on the Karolina and Barbora supercomputers, simplifying the development of hybrid applications and significantly increasing the productivity and scalability of quantum computing.
Paulina Lewandowska received the award for The Best Quantum Information Thesis defended in Poland in 2023 from the National Quantum Information Centre (KCIK, a research organisation of twelve Polish institutions) for her thesis "Validation Methods for Modern Quantum Architectures".
IT4Innovations and the EVEREST project partners released an open-source System Development Kit. The EVEREST SDK integrates tools to simplify the deployment of applications on heterogeneous high-performance cloud infrastructure, especially for environments offering FPGA acceleration.
IT4Innovations organised the 6th HPCSE conference, which attracted experts not only in applied mathematics, numerical analysis, data analysis, machine learning and advanced visualisation, but also in quantum computing.
Radek Halfar won 1st place in the "Information Technology and Electrical Engineering" category of the VSB-TUO competition for his dissertation titled "Dynamics of cardiac electrophysiology models", which he worked on under the supervision of Marek Lampart. He received the award at the Ceremonial Meeting of the VSB-TUO Scientific Council on Thursday 21 March. Radek Halfar's dissertation placed 7th in the Werner von Siemens Prize 2023.
REFRESH will turn the Moravian-Silesian Region into a smart and green region. IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center and the Centre for Energy and Environmental Technologies lead the Energy Lab's Digitalisation and Energy Transformation research programme.
- The EPICURE project was launched, which aims to operate a high-performance computing application support service for European scientists and researchers. IT4Innovations is one of the partners of this project.
- The cover of ChemPhysChem magazine features an illustration from the research of Stanislav Paláček from the Modelling for Nanotechnologies Lab, who collaborated with scientists from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of VSB-TUO and Université Toulouse III. The figure illustrates an experimental helium plasma jet setup for biomedical applications.
IT4Innovations is a partner of the Centre of Excellence on performance optimisation and productivity (CoE POP). The project's third phase – POP3, has now started, focusing on the European flagship HPC applications for other CoEs. At the same time it will still provide services to prescribers and SMEs to promote an efficient usage of computing resources.
We are in a consortium of the newly launched project FALCON. The ambition of the project is to enhance the design capabilities of the European aircraft sector, focusing on fluid-structure interaction phenomena to improve the aerodynamic performances of aircraft.
IT4Innovations joined the AVITHRAPID project, which aims to support the search for novel broad-spectrum antiviral compounds by advancing multiple approaches.
Achievements and awards in 2023
- The second phase of the Superheroes 4 Science project has been launched, which is committed to introducing the young generation to the amazing world of High Performance Computing (HPC). The project is supported by the governments of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from the International Visegrad Fund.
- Our colleagues have released a new book "Scalable Algorithms for Contact Problems". The authors of the book are Zdeněk Dostál, Tomáš Kozubek, Marie Sadowská and Vít Vondrák, with contributions from Tomáš Brzobohatý, Lubomír Říha, Oldřich Vlach and David Horák.
- Researchers from Palacký University and VSB-TUO have unveiled an environmentally friendly method for the production of hematene, a two-dimensional material derived from the iron ore. Their groundbreaking work, featured in Applied Material Today paves the way for sustainable applications in clean energy and environmental technologies. The research, which was co-authored by Michal Otyepka from IT4Innovations, also made the magazine's front page.
The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (MoEYS) has approved the funding of the project "IPs EOSC-CZ", an umbrella of the international initiative EOSC (European Open Science Cloud) in the Czech Republic. EOSC-CZ will connect existing scientific communities and create a system of for data storage and sharing. This will make it easier and faster for scientists and scientific organisations to access research data.
The European Space Agency (ESA) has supported the AIOPEN project, in which IT4Innovations is collaborating with Space Applications Services, Telespazio, KP Labs and SERCO. Two case studies will be carried out on the platform during the project, with IT4Innovations responsible for the Urban Change Detection using Transformer Architecture study.
A project called Integration of biodiversity monitoring data into the Digital Twin Ocean (DTO-BioFLOW) was launched. The project involves 30 partners, including IT4Innovations, led by Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee.
Two students of VŠB-TUO (Nanotechnology programme at the Faculty of Materials Science and Technology) have successfully placed in the international student competition of the Czech-Slovak Student Scientific Conference (CSSSC) in physics. Both students have benn working in our NANO laboratory, where they also worked on the research parts of their bachelor theses. Iva Hlobílková won the 3rd place in the Condensed Matter Physics category, her bachelor thesis supervisor was Pierre Koleják from IT4Innovations. Jakub Toběrný took 2nd place in the General Physics and Didactics of Physics category and his thesis supervisor was Tomáš Kohut from IT4Innovations.
Jiří Tomčala received the Certificate of Quantum Excellence awarded by IBM.
- The joint research of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Palacký University in Olomouc and IT4Innovations was published in Nature Communications. Scientists worked on visualising π-holes in molecules using Kelvin probe force microscopy, for which they also used IT4Innovations supercomputers. The authors of the research include Prof. Pavel Hobza and Maximilian Lamanec from IT4Innovations.
- IT4Innovations has become a member of the iRODS Consortium. The consortium brings together companies, research organisations, universities and government agencies from around the world to ensure the sustainability of iRODS (Integrated Rule-Oriented Data System) software as a distributed data storage, transfer and management solution.
- Voicebot, which is activated when emergency lines are extremely overloaded, and was developed by researchers from IT4Innovations, the Faculty of Safety Engineering at the VŠB-TUO, Brno University of Technology, Phonexia, BornDigital, and SpeechTech, won the DT4REGIONS Award for the most innovative solution.
- Our colleague Pierre Koleják won the Talent of the Year award, which is given by the city of Ostrava to exceptional students.
- The bachelor thesis "Visualisation of Traffic Flow Evolution Over Time" by Pavlína Smolková and her supervisor Kateřina Slaninová from IT4Innovations won the award for excellent quality. The thesis focuses on creating a video showing the direction and intensity of traffic on individual sections of the traffic network. The data that the FEI, VSB-TUO graduate worked with comes from a traffic simulator developed in the Advanced Data Analysis and Simulations Lab.
- The cover of The Journal of Physical Chemistry C is featuring an image from research describing the formation of amide bonds on the surface of graphene, which involved scientists from CATRIN, the Czech Academy of Sciences, Technische Universität Dresden, Technische Universität München, Indian Institute Of Technology - Jammu and VSB-TUO.
- Launch of the project Experimental and theoretical studies of phosphors with chiral carbon dots emitting near-infrared radiation under the auspices of the programme of the Moravian-Silesian Region "Global Experts".
- The latest research results of the Cell Tracking Challenge initiative, in which IT4Innovations is involved, have been published in Nature Methods.
- Scientists from CATRIN, CEET, and IT4Innovations at VŠB-TUO have developed a unique technology that will allow the waste from biodiesel production to be used and converted into useful products, thus increasing the efficiency of existing biofuels. The results of the research have been published in the journal Nature Communications.
- Dominik Legut contributed, together with scientists from Charles University and the Czech Academy of Sciences, to a reference work on hydrogen in actinides for the journal Reports on Progress in Physics.
- Jan Martinovič from IT4Innovations received the award for the EXA4MIND project at the ceremonial meeting of the Scientific Council of VŠB-TUO. The goal of EXA4MIND, which IT4Innovations coordinates, is to create a unique platform for extreme data.
- The three-year EuroCC2 project has started, ensuring the continuation of the National Competence Centre for HPC (NCC), which is IT4Innovations. The aim of the NCC is primarily to offer a wide portfolio of services in the field of HPC and promote cooperation at a pan-European level to strengthen Czech companies' technological independence and competitiveness.
- The EXA4MIND project was launched to build an Extreme Data platform that brings together data storage systems and powerful computing infrastructures. IT4Innovations coordinates the project.
- Research on lipid nanoparticles by CATRIN and IT4Innovations scientists on the cover of The Journal of Physical Chemistry B.
- Michal Otyepka, head of the Modeling Laboratory for Nanotechnology, was involved in developing a new nanomaterial that instantly detects antibiotics in water.
- IT4Innovations is a member of the SPACE (Scalable Parallel Astrophysical Codes for Exascale) Centre of Excellence, which aims to prepare applications used in astrophysics and cosmology research for the exascale era.
- IT4Innovations has become a partner of the European Centre of Excellence MaX (MAterials design at the eXascale).
- Researchers from IT4Innovations developed the tool HyperQueue that facilitates full utilisation of the computational resources of supercomputers.
- Our colleague Georg Zitzlsberger received a new certification in the NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute's program – Data Parallelism: How to Train Deep Learning Models on Multiple GPUs.
- The European Digital Innovation Hub Ostrava has started its activity, the aim of which is to support the introduction and use of digital technologies primarily in small and medium-sized companies and also in public organisations, free of charge or under highly favourable subsidised conditions. EDIH Ostrava combines the know-how of two strong partners: the VSB-TUO (IT4Innovations and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) and the Moravian-Silesian Innovation Centre Ostrava.
Achievements and awards in 2022
- IT4Innovations contributed to developing a tool to fight crime more effectively in collaboration with the Police of the Czech Republic.
- Best Research Poster Award for the contribution "Toward Scalable Voxelization of Meshes with High Growth Rate" (authors: Markéta Hrabánková, Ondřej Meca, Tomáš Brzobohatý, Lubomír Říha, Milan Jaroš, and Petr Strakoš) at the International Conference for HPC, Networking, Storage, and Analytics (SC), Dallas, USA.
- Our colleague Georg Zitzlsberger received two new certifications in the NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute's program – Applications of AI for Anomaly Detection and Applications of AI for Predictive Maintenance.
- Our colleague Kristian Kadlubiak successfully completed the Train the Trainer Certification Program on parallel programming under the auspices of Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum Stuttgart (HLRS).
- The OpenWebSearch.EU project launched to create an open European infrastructure for web search.
- A dozen programmers from around the world got together in early September to join forces to develop software called FIJI. The hackathon, a gathering of developers known in the IT community, was initiated by researchers from IT4Innovations, who have been working on a specialised image-processing software package for a long time.
A cheap, effective, and recyclable nanomaterial that can not only detect but also eradicate heavy metals from water, especially cadmium and lead. This is the result of a collaboration between scientists from several Czech research institutions, including IT4Innovations.
Jiří Tomčala received the Certificate of Quantum Excellence awarded by IBM.
- Europe's top research infrastructures, including IT4Innovations, have come together in the newly launched BioDT project to jointly design and develop a digital twin prototype for biodiversity research and analysis to support the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030.
- The HPCSE 2022 conference organized by IT4Innovations was held for the fifth time and attracted experts from supercomputing and related disciplines for the fifth time.
- The jury of the international PRACE Summer of HPC Awards awarded Jenay Patel and Carola Ciaramelletti for their work on a project mentored by colleagues from IT4Innovations.
- Lukáš Halagačka from the Modelling for Nanotechnologies Lab at IT4Innovations has been studying the structures of silicon nanowires for the preparation of solar cells at the prestigious École Polytechnique in Palaiseau since February. The internship could bring a shift in solar fuel research.
- Scientists from several Czech research institutions, including IT4Innovations, developed a new anode for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) based on a graphene acid (GA)—a densely carboxylated graphene derivative. The new anode outperforms previously reported anode materials of this family and could store electric charge significantly better even than high-quality monolayer graphene. The results were published in the prestigious journal for energy research Advanced Energy Materials.
Achievements and awards in 2021
- Jakub Homola from the Infrastructure Research Lab received the Prof. Babuška Prize for outstanding work in computer science for the year 2021. The expert jury awarded his master's thesis, in which he used our supercomputers.
- Being the first in the world, scientists from several Czech research institutions, including IT4Innovations, observed inhomogeneous electron charge distribution on an atom, thus confirming a 30-year-old theoretical prediction. This breakthrough discovery, comparable with the very first observation of a black hole, shall ease understanding of chemical reactions and interactions between individual atoms and molecules and opens the way to improving the material and structural properties of various physical, biological, and chemical systems. Their paper was published in a prestigious Science journal.
Scientists from IT4Innovations and CATRIN presented each other with their research activities and discussed the cooperation possibilities. The objective of the introductory workshop was to find synergies in the field of High-Performance Computing and Artificial Intelligence.
- Martin Golasowski from IT4Innovations won the bronze in the Joseph Fourier Prize competition for his project focused on optimizing in the Joseph Fourier Prize competition for his project focused on the optimisation of urban transport using intelligent navigation service.
- The e-INFRA CZ consortium achieved the highest ranking in the international evaluation of large research infrastructures of the Czech Republic, which was held under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports of the Czech Republic.
Georg Zitzlsberger obtained two NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute (DLI) instructor certificates — Building Transformer-Based Natural Language Processing Applications and Fundamentals of Deep Learning.
- The e-INFRA CZ consortium, of which IT4Innovations is a part, implemented quantum key distribution. Communication secured by encryption through quantum key distribution (QKD) represents a new shift in communication security and addresses the risks associated with the advent of quantum computers.
- Martin Golasowski from IT4Innovations, together with his colleagues from the German Leibniz-Rechenzentrum shone with their presentation entitled A transnational data system for HPC/Cloud-Computing Workflows based on iRODS/EUDAT at the iRODS User Group Meeting 2021. Their paper was about using iRODS technology for data transfer between HPC centres in the LEXIS project.
- IT4Innovations is involved in a new project that supports the development of European exascale systems. The SCALABLE project will drive innovation in European industries and support fundamental research through advanced computational fluid dynamics methods.
- The IO-SEA project, of which IT4Innovations is a part, has started. The project aims to develop a data management and storage platform using the latest advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning to plan and optimise data transfers.
- The excellent research of IT4Innovations was confirmed by the Innovation Radar result, which ranked IT4Innovations as one of the key innovators in the Czech Republic, with seven innovations supported by European projects.
- At IT4Innovations, we developed a simulation that helped set up a large-scale vaccination centre at Černá louka in Ostrava.
- IT4Innovations is part of the ACROSS project, which will develop a platform combining HPC, Big Data, and AI. This will support applications in aviation, climate, weather, and energy.
- We are involved in the LIGATE project, which will use European supercomputing systems to improve computer-aided drug design.
- The Ministry of Industry and Trade announced the winners of the national call for European Digital Innovation Hubs. These will support the digitalisation of SMEs and public administration authorities. One of the winners is the Digital Innovation Hub Ostrava.
- We cooperate with the ENET Centre, which is part of VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, in the Centre for Energy and Environmental Technologies project.
Achievements and awards in 2020
- The Computerworld magazine has ranked Vít Vondrák among the TOP personalities of 2020. This is a mix of innovators, start-up founders, and experienced people who have been in the IT field for a long time.
- Jiří Dědeček, together with Edyta Tabor and Štěpán Sklenák from J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry of the CAS, found a unique way to turn methane into methanol, for which they received the Czech Head Invention Award. In their research, they used IT4Innovations supercomputers to computationally predict the results, which they eventually confirmed experimentally.
The 4th IT4Innovations User Conference was held virtually with 68 participants. The conference provided information about our plans in the field of infrastructure and new services related to our involvement in e-INFRA CZ or the LUMI consortium.
- The H2020 EVEREST project launched. The project is coordinated by IBM, consists of 10 partners, and lasts 36 months. The project develops a holistic approach for co-designing computation and communication in a state-of-the-art, and above all secure, system for high-performance data analysis.
- Our colleague Ondřej Meca successfully completed the Train the Trainer certification program on parallel programming under the auspices of Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum Stuttgart (HLRS).
- A two-year project to establish the National Competence Centre in HPC within the EuroHPC JU initiative was launched. The aim is to share knowledge in the field of HPC across Europe and to strengthen the technological autonomy and competitiveness of the EU. In the Czech Republic, the project will establish the National Competence Centre in HPC and introduce support activities in this area for industry, public administration, and academia.
- We set up cooperation with the ENET Centre, which is part of the Technical University of Ostrava, in the Centre for Energy and Environmental Technologies (CEET) project. The project is supported by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, and it aims to find solutions for the efficient transformation of alternative fuels, wastes, and by-products into recovered chemicals and valuable forms of energy.
- IT4Innovations presents the updated viaRODOS application, developed within the RODOS project, and is compatible with the Floreon+ system. The application uses data sources provided by the National Transport Information Centre (NDIC), which is part of the Road and Motorway Directorate of the Czech Republic.
- We provide a service to our users to facilitate research and development within the international H2020-funded POP2 Centre of Excellence project. It is Free assistance in the optimization of parallel applications performance.
The scientific team from Pavel Jungwirth's group from the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry (IOCB) of the CAS and their project made it onto the cover of one of the most prestigious and most cited scientific journals in the world - Science. IT4Innovations contributed to this discovery by allocating 650,000 core hours of computational resources to Pavel Jungwirth's research.
- The article titled Domain Knowledge Specification for Energy Tuning, which was co-authored by our colleagues Lubomír Říha, Ondřej Vysocký, Martin Beseda, and Jan Zapletal is one of the 10% of the most downloaded contributions in the Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience journal.
A strategic project titled Smart Energy Grid Management System (ES4G) started. The project brings together a unique research consortium - the ENET and IT4Innovations Centres at VSB-TUO, Brno University of Technology in Brno, and application sponsors - E.ON Distribuce, a.s., ČEZ Distribuce, a. s., and ABB s.r.o.
- In cooperation with T-Mobile Czech Republic a. s., we cooperate in the extraction of anonymised population mobility data for the needs of the state to evaluate the impact of anti-epidemiological measures on population mobility - the Mobility Atlas project.
- A modernized department for the research activities of the Modelling for Nanotechnologies Lab is equipped with a special laser for the generation of ultrashort femtosecond pulses, i.e., laser beams with a duration of a quadrillionth of a second (10-15 s).
- The NVIDIA AI & HPC Academy 2020 was organized for all fans of artificial intelligence (AI) and high performance computing (HPC) at IT4Innovations. It was a series of hands-on NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute workshops with 90 participants who learned about optimal design and implementation of artificial intelligence algorithms on supercomputers.
- Georg Zitzlsberger was awarded two certificates in Deep Learning and AI — Fundamentals of Deep Learning for Multiple Data Types and Fundamentals of Deep Learning for Multi-GPUs.
- IT4Innovations and Moravian-Silesian Innovation Centre Ostrava concluded a memorandum establishing the Digital Innovation Hub Ostrava.
- Research activities within the Research and Development of a Functional Sample of a Railway Vehicle Enabling Collection of Data and Software – a Simulator Enabling Generation of Data to Train Obstacle Detection under Simulated Conditions project kicked off. It was supported in the 1st Open Call of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic as part of the TREND program for industrial research and experimental development.
- Launch of a project entitled Blockchain ENabled DEep Learning for Space Data (BLENDED), which was announced within the European Space Agency (ESA) Open Call.
Achievements and awards in 2019
- The implementation team led by Prof. Zelinka from VSB-TUO and our colleagues from the Big Data Analysis laboratory received an honorary award from the expert panel within the Visionaries 2019 project competition for their Chiméra mobile application for encrypted communication.
- The representatives of the EuroHPC pre-exascale and petascale systems hosting countries celebrated the signature of the Hosting Agreements in Strasbourg.
- The 3rd IT4Innovations Users Conference and the 8th Annual Conference of IT4Innovations Centre of Excellence took place.
- IT4Innovations Digital Innovation Hub was announced as DIH of the month of November DIHnet EU.
IT4Innovations was present among exhibitors at the Supercomputing Conference (SC19) in Denver, USA. Two articles by Jakub Beranek were published at the conference focusing on the transmission of computations to network cards and the design of interfaces for FPGA communication. On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Supercomputing Conference, the HyperLoom project was selected among the milestones of the conference.
- A ceremony was held to launch a new supercomputer named Barbora.
- The Doctoral School for Education in Mathematical Methods and Tools in HPC started.
- Barbora Kacerovská from the Modelling for Nanotechnologies laboratory was announced as the winner of the Lady Business competition in the exceptional student of the Moravian-Silesian region category.
- We organized a Czech-French workshop in the field of nanotechnology.
- We participated in the organization of the Conference DS-RT (Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications), Cosenza, Italy.
- IT4Innovations launched another Horizon 2020 project: OPENQKD. This project implements and tests a pilot quantum communication infrastructure in several European countries.
- Pavel Moravec from the Advanced Data Analysis and Simulations Lab won the Best Poster Award at the CISIM 2019 Conference in Belgrade, Serbia.
- For the seventh time, we joined the PRACE Summer of HPC program and hosted two foreign students during the summer internship. The program is intended for students of European universities and is focused on HPC in the supercomputing centers participating in the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE) project.
- The IT4Innovations building celebrated its 5th birthday; two supercomputers were added in 2019.
We merged with two other research infrastructures, the CESNET Association and CERIT-SC, operated by Masaryk University, as part of the e-INFRA CZ project. e-INFRA CZ is a fully transparent environment offering comprehensive capacities and resources for the transmission, storage, and processing of scientific data to those involved in research, development, and innovation across sectors.
- We succeeded in a pan-European competition for hosting the “EuroHPC petascale system“.
- Our colleague Tomáš Martinovič, who presented research on the topic "HPC Oriented Algorithm for Computation of Recurrence Quantitative Analysis", received the Best Research Poster Award at ISC 2019.
- We organized the High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering (HPCSE) conference.
- We joined a research consortium in personalized medicine – the PerMed National Centre of Competence.
- The Best Poster Award at the PRACEdays19 Conference was won by our colleague Martin Golasowski for his contribution entitled "Distributed Environment for Traffic Simulations".
- The 6th implementation phase of the PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe) project was officially launched.
- The Joseph Fourier Awards Committee met at our centre.
- We published Supercomputing in Science and Engineering 2017 – 18, containing 51 contributions from the users of our supercomputing systems.
- We joined the EUDAT Collaborative Data Infrastructure. It is a European e-infrastructure integrating data services and resources to boost research.
- We launched the NVIDIA DGX-2 computing system for artificial intelligence calculations. This is the first installation of this type in Central and Eastern Europe.
- We became members of the international non-profit organization Big Data Value Association (BDVA).
The Digital Revolution workshop of the CzechInno association was held at IT4Innovations.
A meeting of InnoHPC (High-performance Computing for Effective Innovation in the Danube Region) project partners took place.
Successful completion of the ExCAPE project, which aimed to develop computer programs capable of new drug discovery using exascale computing systems.
The Euronews television network filmed a report at our center within the Intelligent Regions program, which aims to bring media coverage to important projects of high value for European Union citizens.
- We launched the LEXIS project - the first Horizon 2020 project coordinated by VŠB-TUO.
- We hosted the FIJI Hackathon focused on parallelization and HPC. This year it was held in the Czech Republic for the first time.
- We successfully defended the results of the ANTAREX project.
- Together with the ENET Centre, we have become involved with the National Centre for Energy (NCE).
Achievements and awards in 2018
Two achievements of our colleagues from the Advanced Data Analysis and Simulations Laboratory were nominated for the European Commission's Innovation Radar Prize. The HyperLoom software enabling easy parallel data processing on supercomputers, was nominated in the Excellent Science category. In the Best early stage innovation category, the intelligent online navigation system for citizens, in cooperation with Sygic, was nominated. Based on the voting, the intelligent online navigation advanced to the finals.
In December 2018, Tomáš Martinovič defended his doctoral thesis "Tools for Time Series Analysis of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems" in the field of Computer Science under the supervision of Doc. RNDr. Mark Lampart. The thesis was awarded best dissertation defended in 2018 in the Information Technology category in an international competition announced by the PROGRES 3 Consortium of universities.
Initiating a new project, H2020, entitled "Open European Quantum Key Distribution Testbed" (OPENQKD) in the field of cyber security in the call SU-ICT-04-2019. The project is coordinated by the Austrian Institute of Technology and focuses on highly-secure networks using principles of quantum mechanics for key distribution. The overall budget of the project consortium is € 15 million, which in terms of funding volume, is one of the key objectives in the security field supported by the European Commission.
The Best Poster Award for "Workflow for Parallel Processing of Sequential Mesh Databases" at the Supercomputing Conference, November 2018, Dallas, USA.
Georg Zitzlsberger obtained the NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute (DLI) instructor certificate. As an ambassador of NVIDIA DLI for VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, he led the course "Fundamentals of Deep Learning for Computer Vision".
- Participation in the 2nd French-Czech Barrande Workshop, which took place in Paris in October 2018.
- Successful completion and defense of the ExCAPE project. A part of the project was the development of the HyperLoom platform, which was fully used in the experiments within the project. The platform was further modified for use in the ExaQUte project.
Successful defense and completion of the ESA TEP URBAN TUrbO-Hub project. At the end of the project, more than 330 institutions from more than 40 countries requested access to the products and services of the developed Urban TEP platform. The continuation of activities in the follow-up project ESA URBAN TEP II has been going on since August 2018 to create a fully self-sufficient and sustainable platform for the analysis of satellite images in terms of urban urbanization.
- In July 2018, Tibor Fördös successfully defended his dissertation in Paris (at the École Polytechnique, Palaiseau) before a French-Czech committee.
Initiating the H2020 ExaQUTE project (Exascale Quantifications of Uncertainties for Technology and Science Simulation). The project began in June 2018, and its main objective is to develop new methods for solving complex engineering problems using numerical simulations and future exascale systems.
- Successful cooperation with the University of Toulouse in the education of Ph.D. students; one successfully defended his work before a Czech-French committee, Cyril Van de Steen, with "Modeling of Transport Properties of Ions of Krypton and Xenon for Optimization Cold Rare-gas Plasmas Generators", one started as a joint student (or cotutelle), Martin Beseda, with "Modeling of Transport Properties of Molecular Ions of Helium in Air", and funding for another student was obtained.
Successful completion and defense of the READEX project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 program.
Promotional animation "Agent 327: Operation Barbershop", rendered using the IT4Innovations infrastructure in collaboration with the Blender Institute, won the prestigious worldwide Webby Awards.
- Success in submitting the international H2020 project LEXIS (Large-scale EXecution for Industry & Society) to the area "ICT-11-2018-2019: HPC and Big Data enabled Large-scale Test-beds and Applications". The project was accepted for funding at the beginning of January 2019. IT4Innovations is the coordinator of this project, which involves 15 other international partners.