In Ostrava, on Wednesday the 2nd of October 2019, the ceremony for the new supercomputer being put into operation at IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center at VSB - Technical University of Ostrava was held. It has expanded the family of supercomputers installed at the centre. The winning name of the competition was Barbora.
OPENQKD paves the way for a secure Pan-European Quantum Communication Infrastructure
Today marks the launch of a pilot project, OPENQKD, that will install a test quantum communication infrastructure in several European countries. It will boost the security of critical applications in the fields of telecommunications, health care, electricity supply and government services.
Three large research infrastructures unite under the project e-INFRA CZ
The CESNET Association, Masaryk University and VSB – Technical University of Ostrava have applied for a joint project for establishing an upgraded national research e-infrastructure e-INFRA CZ. The project application was preceded by signing a partnership agreement, which commits all three institutions to mutual cooperate on operating, developing and providing a comprehensive portfolio of services under the infrastructure.
The InnoHPC project results in the Danube region are to be presented in Timisoara
The transnational InnoHPC project is in its closing phase. Bringing together 15 partners from the Danube region, it is supported by the Interreg Danube Transnational Programme. On 24th and 25th June 2019, the final conference dedicated to the project will be held in the city of Timisoara in Romania.
IT4Innovations will host the EuroHPC petascale system
The IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center, located at the VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, succeeded in a pan-European competition for hosting the “EuroHPC petascale system”, to be acquired within the implementation of EuroHPC Join Technology Initiative. The results of the call for hosting and co-funding of the HPC system were announced on the occasion of the 7th EuroHPC Joint Undertaking Government Board Meeting.
The cutting edge of High Performance Computing and other fields demonstrated at the HPCSE conference
IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center organized the 4th High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering (HPCSE) conference at Hotel Soláň in the Beskydy Mountains on 20th to 23rd May 2019. Nearly 100 experts and students from different parts of the world had the opportunity to exchange experience in the field of HPC technologies and other scientific domains that use these technologies or benefit from them.
Call for mid-caps, SMEs and manufacturing start-ups to receive support from the EU
CloudiFacturing launched a new Second Open Call for its project. The goal is to draw your attention to the upcoming Call / Request for Proposals to initiate the creative process of generating ideas for Application Experiments. These Application Experiments are dedicated sub-projects with one year duration that are executed within the scope of CloudiFacturing.
The LEXIS project has successfully kicked off
With its kick-off meeting in January in Ostrava, the LEXIS (Large-scale Execution for Industry & Society) project has now been officially launched. 16 partners from all over Europe gathered here and joined forces to set up all activities to be completed during the project. LEXIS brings together a consortium with the skills and experience to deliver a complex multi-faceted project, spanning a range of complex technologies across seven European countries.
IT4Innovations becomes a member of the prestigious Big Data Value Association
At the end of March 2019, the IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center became a member of the Big Data Value Association, joining other major industrial companies and prestigious scientific organizations.
IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center is expanding its infrastructure with NVIDIA technology
IIT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center at VSB – Technical University of Ostrava introduced its installation of the NVIDIA DGX-2™ computing system today. The system is designed to tackle the most challenging artificial intelligence tasks, delivering over 2 petaFLOPs of performance for AI researchers. The ceremony was attended by the Governor of the Moravian-Silesian Region, Ivo Vondrák, Mayor of the City of Ostrava, Tomáš Macura, and the Rector of VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, Václav Snášel.
15 Ph.D. students from all over the world are embarking on 15 parallel and complementary research projects with the ambitious goal of defining a virtual testing system for turbomachinery, simulating the entire machine and not single components as is usually done. This is the objective of the EU project EXPERTISE – models, EXperiments and high PERformance computing for Turbine mechanical Integrity and Structural dynamics in Europe, coordinated in the Czech Republic by professor Tomáš Kozubek from IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center, involving a research consortium of 11 beneficiaries and 9 partner organizations from 8 countries.
Anselm, the first supercomputer acquired by the IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center, celebrates five years of activity
IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center has run the supercomputer Anselm since 2013, and almost all of its computing capacity is available to Czech and foreign scientists through open grant competitions. During its five years of operation, Anselm has served 441 users, helping them to solve 414 research projects. It has been involved in solving problems in many areas of research and development, such as new drug designs, understanding of high intensity laser acceleration, hydrological modelling and flood prediction, enzymatic reactions analysis, and many others.
TETRAMAX: boosting innovation in customized low-energy computing
TETRAMAX is a new European H2020 project that aims to promote innovation by supporting various types of technology transfer experiments between academia and SMEs. Today we stand at the verge of a new wave of innovation, characterised by the digitisation of all sectors of industry. By investing in innovation actions such as TETRAMAX, which focuses on customized, low-energy computing technology, Europe has the potential to strengthen its competitive position.
CloudiFacturing – the next dimension of cloudification
Cloudification of Production Engineering for Predictive Digital Manufacturing
IT4Innovations will have a new Director
From 1st August the new director of the IT4Innovations institute will be doc. Mgr. Vít Vondrák, Ph.D., who is currently the scientific director of IT4Innovations.
The European supercomputer ranking 3rd on the TOP500 list has taken USA down to 4th position
The top position in the TOP500 list remains occupied by China with its two supercomputers - Sunway TaihuLight and Tianhe-2 with their Linpack performance of 93 and almost 34 petaflops, respectively. Third position is occupied by the Swiss Piz Daint supercomputer, which has climbed up from 8th position as a result of a significant upgrade. Having its current Linpack performance of 19.6 petaflops, the most powerful European supercomputer is operated at the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS). In the top 10, there are also supercomputers from the United States of America and Japan. Salomon, the most powerful Czech supercomputer operated by the IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center in Ostrava, maintains its position in the top 100, currently ranking 78th.
Salomon, the most powerful supercomputer in the Czech Republic, celebrates its first anniversary
Within a year since Salomon was put into operations, 435 projects for 448 users have been successfully solved using this supercomputer. As part of the process, more than 135 million core hours, which is more than 3,800 years of continuous operation of a laptop with four very powerful cores, have been spent. Its 2 PETAFLOPS of theoretical peak performance are utilized by scientists such as chemists, astrophysicists, or mathematicians as well as mechanical engineers.
SGI and IT4Innovations Announce a TOP 500 Supercomputer in Europe Salomon
SGI (NASDAQ: SGI), a global leader in high performance solutions for compute, data analytics and data management, and IT4Innovations national supercomputing center in the Czech Republic, announced the deployment of the Salomon s upercompute r, ranked 40th among the most powerful supercomputers on the prestigious TOP500 list . The Salomon supercomputer, an SGI system, which is operated by IT4Innovations national supercomputing center at VSB Technical Uni versity of Ostrava (VSB TUO)TUO), is hosting an unveiling ceremony that will take place today.
Genomic pipeline OMICS master on ANSELM supercomputer
At the end of 2014 BULL has finalized genomic pipeline installation known as OMICS master at czech National Supercomputer Center in Ostrava (IT4I).
Big Cluster to be delivered by US company SGI
IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center at VSB - Technical University of Ostrava and a prestigious US company Silicon Graphics International Corp. (SGI®) signed today the delivery contract for the so-called Big Cluster. During the first half of 2015 will be installed in Ostrava a petaflop-class system. Its performance will thus surpass almost twentyfold the current Ostrava’s supercomputer Anselm. With the latest Intel® Xeon® processors and Xeon PhiTM coprocessors, the supercomputer in Ostrava will become one of systems with the highest performance in Europe that use this type of chips.