In Prague, the International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods (DD27) brought together world leaders in the field that combines numerical mathematics with the world of powerful supercomputers. Thanks to domain decomposition algorithms, these computers can be used to solve very large-scale simulation problems in scientific and engineering practice, for example, prediction of aerodynamic properties of aircraft and cars, strength calculations of large-scale engineering and building structures, as well as detailed models predicting climate evolution or simulating various bodily functions.
The DD27 conference, which took place on Sunday 24th July to Friday 29th July 2022 at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Dejvice, Prague, was attended by Olof Widlund, a pioneer of area decomposition methods at New York University's Courant Institute, who has trained a number of other experts - some of whom were also present at the meeting. The conference sponsors from among supercomputer manufacturers like HPE, ATOS, and M Computers were among the attendees.
Also colleagues from IT4Innovations presented their contributions. Tomáš Karásek from the Parallel Algorithms Research Lab presented examples of good practice from the National Competence Center in HPC, Oldřich Vlach from the same laboratory presented Unpreconditioned H-TFETI: Conditioning of Schur complements of clusters, implementation, and solving huge problems, and Ondřej Meca from the Infrastructure Research Lab presented the project Highly parallel loading and processing of unstructured meshes. Among the chairs of sessions was also Tomáš Kozubek, Scientific Director of IT4Innovations.
The conference is co-organised by the Institute of Mathematics of the CAS, VSB-TUO, and CTU. It is held every 18 months and travels between America, Asia, and Europe. This year was the first time it was held in the Czech Republic.
For more about the conference held here, including its programme, see
For more about the DDM conferences in general, see