The EuroHPC Summit, which will be attended by more than 1000 people this year, is a unique opportunity to showcase the latest achievements and capabilities of the European supercomputing ecosystem. It also opens the floor for discussion on current and future challenges, not only in the field of High Performance Computing and Artificial Intelligence, but also in Quantum Computing.

The summit will take place in Krakow, Poland, from 18 to 20 March. The conference's main organizer is the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU). Over the three days, political leaders, representatives of supercomputing centres and industrial companies, and representatives of IT4Innovations will share the stage. 

The conference will be launched by representatives of the Polish government, Anders Dam Jensen, Executive Director of the EuroHPC JU, and Rafał Duczmal, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the EuroHPC JU. Participants can look forward to live-streamed plenary lectures, parallel sessions, and demonstrations of state-of-the-art supercomputers (the so-called Demo Lab), as well as the new Quantum Insights programme block, which will immerse them in the world of quantum computing. 

In the EuroHPC Demo Lab, a space dedicated to the presentation of nine supercomputers acquired with the support of the EuroHPC JU, representatives of IT4Innovations will introduce visitors to the Karolina supercomputer and its use. This will take place on Tuesday, 18 March, from 12:30 PM to 3 PM. The Floreon+ system and LEXIS Platform 2 will be presented. HPC Ambassadors – students of the EUMaster4HPC masters programme – will also help in the Demo Lab.

The conference will now include a Quantum Insights section, where interested parties can explore the EuroHPC quantum computers and ask representatives of the host organisations and the vendors any questions. The LUMI-Q consortium's VLQ quantum computer will be available on Tuesday, 18 March, from 6 PM. Together with the supplier IQM, we will present the VLQ quantum computer. IQM will deliver it to IT4Innovations in Ostrava by September 2026, and it will be the first quantum computer in the Czech Republic. 

Ondřej Vysocký from the Infrastructure Research Laboratory will be one of the speakers at the session "AI vs. Sustainability: Finding a Balance?" on Thursday, 30 March, at 4:30 PM

The conference poster session will present the POP3, SPACE, and MaX Centres of Excellence and international projects such as EPICURE, EUMaster4HPC, EUPEX, and EuroCC 2, in which IT4Innovations is involved.