Institutions can apply for computational resources within Open Access Grant Competitions. The grant competition is announced 3 times a year (February, June, October) for employees of research, scientific and educational organizations.
At the beginning of February, we launched the 28th round of the IT4Innovations Open Access Grant Competition. Employees of research, scientific, and educational organizations can apply for computing time on supercomputers Karolina, Barbora, DGX-2, and LUMI until 4 April.
LUMI, the world's third most powerful and Europe's number one supercomputer, is fully operational and accepted as of February 2023. Read about the first experience of Czech scientists with pilot testing of the GPU part of the LUMI supercomputer here.
Find more information and the application form for computing time on Karolina, Barbora, DGX-2, and LUMI at
Open Access Grant Competitions are the most common way to obtain computational resources at IT4Innovations. Grant Competitions are announced three times a year and are open to researchers and academics from the Czech Republic, for whom computational resources are provided entirely free of charge.