In June, we announced the 29th round of the Open Access Grant Competition. Applications for computing time on the Karolina, Barbora, DGX-2, and LUMI supercomputers can be submitted by employees of Czech research organisations until 2 August 2023. We will announce the results in September.

Meanwhile, we've launched a Special call: GPU Testing and Benchmarking, where you can apply for computing time on the GPU-accelerated part of the LUMI supercomputer. Submission of applications under this special call has been extended until 29 June. They will be evaluated in an accelerated mode so that GPU testing and benchmarking can start as early as the 21st of July. 



Open Access Grant Competitions are the most common way to obtain IT4Innovations computational resources. Grant Competitions are announced three times a year and are open to researchers and academics from the Czech Republic, for whom computational resources are provided entirely free of charge.