Adopting SLURM: Transitioning from PBS Scheduler [14. 9. 2023]
This introductory course is designed to help the users seamlessly migrate from the PBS scheduler to this newly installed job management system. The course describes the SLURM fundamental concepts, its job submission process, terminology, and environment variables.
Parallel Computing with MATLAB and Scaling MATLAB Code to the HPC Cluster [8. 11. 2023]
This two-part hands-on workshop will introduce you to parallel computing with MATLAB so that you can solve computationally and data-intensive problems using multicore processors, GPUs, and computer clusters. The course will be delivered in hybrid mode. You can attend the course at IT4Innovations in Ostrava or online.
Data Parallelism: How to Train Deep Learning Models on Multiple GPUs [4. 10. 2023]
Modern deep learning challenges leverage increasingly larger datasets and more complex models. As a result, significant computational power is required to train models effectively and efficiently. Learning to distribute data across multiple GPUs during training makes possible an incredible wealth of new applications that utilize deep learning.
Mastering Transformers: From Building Blocks to Real-World Applications [11.–13. 9. 2023]
The National Competence Centers in HPC of Turkey and the Czech Republic are inviting you to the jointly developed training.
In this course, participants learn the building blocks of transformer architectures to apply them to their projects. These novel methods will be differentiated against existing methods, showing their advantages and disadvantages.
Basic Quantum Computing Algorithms and Their Implementation in Cirq [5.–6. 9. 2023]
Quantum computers are based on a completely different principle than classical computers. This course aims to explain this difference by showing how basic quantum computing algorithms work in practice. It is focused on the theoretical foundations, mathematical description and practical testing of the resulting quantum circuits.
TREX Workshop: Code Tuning for the Exascale [5.–7. 6. 2023]
The workshop is targeting specifically code developers and will be focused on code optimisation. Participants are encouraged to bring their own codes to learn about techniques, methods and solutions on how to improve them both in terms of performance and in terms of scalability across multiple platforms.
Introduction to MPI [30. – 31. 5. 2023]
Message Passing Interface (MPI) is a dominant programming model on clusters and distributed memory architectures. This course is focused on its basic concepts such as exchanging data by point-to-point and collective operations.
High Performance Data Analysis with R [26. – 27. 4. 2023]
This course is focused on data analysis and modeling in R statistical programming language. The first day of the course will introduce how to approach a new dataset to better understand the data and its features. The second day is focused on increasing the efficiency of computation by introducing Rcpp for seamless integration of C++ code into R code.
Fundamental Quantum Computing Algorithms and Their Implementation in Qiskit [3. – 5. 4. 2023]
Quantum computers are based on a completely different principle than classical computers. The aim of this course is to explain this difference by showing how basic quantum computing algorithms work in practice. It is focused on the theoretical foundations, mathematical description, and practical testing of the resulting quantum circuits on real quantum computers and their simulators in the Qiskit environment.
Procedural Scene Creation in Blender [29. – 30. 3. 2023]
The Procedural Scene Creation in Blender will take place at IT4Innovations and online on 29 – 30 March 2023.
Applications of AI for Anomaly Detection / 1. 3. 2023
The Applications of AI for Anomaly Detection workshop will take place at IT4Innovations and online on 1 March 2023.
Access to LUMI / 14. 2. 2023
The Access to LUMI course will take place at IT4Innovations and online on 14 February 2023.
EuroCC courses
An overview of currently announced courses within the EuroCC project can be found HERE.
Applications of AI for Predictive Maintenance / 10. 1. 2023
The Applications of AI for Predictive Maintenance workshop will take place at IT4Innovations and online on Tuesday, 10 January 2023.
Programming heterogeneous environments with Intel oneAPI / 24.–26. 1. 2023
The NCC Czech Republic and Intel invite you to a three-day event dedicated to oneAPI, which will be held on January 24 to 26, 2023.
Course access to Karolina
We invite you to the training course Access to Karolina, organised by the IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center under the auspices of the EuroCC project.