We have launched two full-featured cloud environments. These are available to users of IT4Innovations computational resources with active projects.
IT4Innovations now offers its users two IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) clouds created from the cloud nodes of the Karolina supercomputer:
- e-INFRA CZ Cloud (for e-INFRA users), available at https://ostrava.openstack.cloud.e-infra.cz/,
more information at https://docs.it4i.cz/cloud/einfracz-cloud/
- IT4I Cloud (for other users), available at https://cloud.it4i.cz,
more information at https://docs.it4i.cz/cloud/it4i-cloud/.
Activation of the IT4I Cloud environment must be requested in advance.
Both clouds are built on the OpenStack platform. They can be used by users of IT4Innovations computational resources with an active project.
The main advantages of clouds include:
- Easy access and management – conveniently accessed via a web interface.
- Scalability – virtual machines (number and parameters) can be created as needed.
- Resource flexibility – you have complete control over the management of your virtual machine. You can install your own programs, set quotas, run tasks.
- Orchestration – you can use OpenStack tools to automate configuration.
Personal projects on the e-INFRA/IT4I Cloud have limited resources. In order to increase the capacity of the cloud resources, for example when solving larger tasks, it is necessary to request computational resources.