In the past, allocated resources were requested, granted, and accounted in normalized core hours (NCH). NCH used a factor different for each cluster and type of nodes.  

With progressing time, the system of NCH has become obsolete, since we now have clusters that greatly vary in computing capacity, i.e. CPU, GPU, memory, and determining the value of the resources of different clusters is a complex process that cannot be based on a single value.

As a result, the accounting policy has been changed from normalized core hours to node hours.

This means that in the future, it is required to apply for node hours of the specific cluster and node type.

You can specify the number of node hours requested for each platform:

a) Barbora CPU
b) Barbora GPU
c) Barbora FAT
d) DGX-2
e) Karolina CPU
f) Karolina GPU
g) Karolina FAT

If you have any questions, please contact